For All my classes Spring 2016:
SIU Carbondale ORGANIC LECTURE & LAB STUDENTS SPRING 2016: (scroll down to Large Font "SIU Organic Lecture & Lab Information" Hyperlink to get to posted links)
Organic Chemistry I Lecture (CHEM 340) Final Grades Spring 16 Organic Chemistry II Lecture (CHEM 442) Final Grades Spring 16 Here are all of your grades showing every single last points as promised. If you gave me the signed "permission to post form", your grades are posted. posted by Dr. Hahn 5/20/16 Organic Chemistry I Lecture Final Exam Key with points for common mistakes. Organic Chemistry II Lecture Final Exam Key with points for common mistakes.
Organic Chemistry I Lab (CHEM 341) Final Grades Spring 16 Organic Chemistry II Lab (CHEM 443) Final Grades Spring 16 Here are all of our grades showing every single las point as promised. If you gave me the signed "permission to post form" your grades are posted. Note: Your lab report grades are from your TA. I did not make up lab report grades which were not supplied to me by excel spread sheet by email. I have documented proof of what grades were supplied by your TA - I am not making stuff up/deleting off grades which your TA gave me. Unless your TA submitted a change of grade, the grades are as posted. posted by Dr. Hahn 5/20/16 Friday at 4:15 pm from her Carbondale Apartment
(correction to statement of 5/20/16- I read my own posting and noticed that it sounds a little different than my intended statement: I was very busy and barely managed to post the above. In the above statement "...Unless your TA submitted a change of grade, the grades are as posted...." Since I am the primary instructor of record for these classes, your TA should not be able to submit a change of grade form by themselves. What I meant to say is that unless your TA emailed me a grade change - because they for instance found your lab report which they had previously not reported to me, or because they felt like changing your grade for some unknown reason and emailed me that they had made an error in the grades which they had emailed me before and in writing admitted to their own mistakes. I stand behind the lab report grades which I posted as being exactly what your TA submitted for your lab report grade and I have documentation to support that I posted the grades that the TAs submitted to me. I would of course have no possible reason to change or make up grades which the TAs did not submit to me. posted by Dr. Hahn 5/26/16 Thursday at 8 am from her Carbondale apartment)
grading at Carbondale Apartment by myself: Grades are due at
8 am on May 18 Wednesday. This is ~ 200 x 12 page x
2/3 not multiple choice exams. The classroom is a little too
small for students to sit in alternate seats so I have 3 rows with
students sitting elbow to elbow (18 students per row) and then the rest
of the remaining 8 rows with alternate seats of 9 students per row for
the Organic II Lecture class. (That is why the OCII class
exams has 2 colors green & white in this case.) The Organic
I lecture class is small enough so that I could spread out the students
in alternate seats so there is only one color exam.
Usually takes about a week to grade that many exams.
Had only from May 13 at 2:30 pm until May 18 at 8 am to grade the last
120 of the exams.
In front are the excel spread sheets. So that is forOCII Lecture = 120 students x {6 quizzes (manuallly drop 2 lowest quiz grades) + 3 exams (replace lowest exam grade by final exam grade manually) + some ~40 clicker days} = 5880 individual grades for OCII, OCI Lecture = 70 students x (6 + 3+ 40) = 3430 individual grades for the OCII Lab: 90 students x (6 lab report grades + 6 clicker quizzes + midterm + final ) = 1260 individual grades, for the OCI Lab: 70 students x (9 lab report grades +9 clicker quizzes + midterm+final exam) = 1400 individual grades. Drop lowest grades manually: drop one of the lab report grades, drop one lowest quiz grade, give highest of 10% lower of midterm or final exam manually. = total of 11,970 grades to keep track of for ~360 individual students on roster.
Worked from around 6:30 am until around 11:30 pm since Friday 5/13 until now. I stopped grading when I got too sleepy to continue to grade. If I continue to grade when sleepy, I would make grading errors.
A student asked that they see their final exam BEFORE I submitted their final grades. So to be fair, I should offer to meet all 200 Organic Chemistry Lecture students to view their graded final exam BEFORE I submit their final grades. Final exam period is over. New semester starts about a month later. Usually the university locks building doors and does not turn on building lights during parts of intercession. I am NOT going to meet with a few students BEFORE I submit their final grades. It would give the appearance of improprierity. I don't think I know a single professor who does that routinely with 200 students or even with 5 students. It is unfair. You grade the hardcopy paper. You do not have a conversation with a student telling you what grade they need in order to achieve their dreams while you grade and adjust your grade depending on how compelling a student's vision of their dream future is. If 200 students come to look at their final exam, I would have no final grades ready by the grading deadline. posted by Dr. Hahn at 7:50 am 5/17/16 while grading exams barely eating and barely sleeping for about a week - my mom is worried that I will get sick from all the work - I may drop dead of a heart attack from all the stressful work.
The reason that I do not post your grades on D2L is: (I post the excel spreadsheet that I will use to calculate your final grades instead regularly.) (a) I want you to see how everyone else in the class is doing so that you have perspective. I also am transparent about your grades. I do not play around with your grades. You will earn exactly what you earn. I am not going to give one student with an 88% an A and another students with an 88% a B. (b) Another issue with D2L with a lot of students with multiple people able to enter grades (such as multiple teaching assistants and myself), if someone accidentally changes a student's grade (perhaps with a similar name) lets say from a 60% to 90%, I really cannot keep track of the error with the 160 Organic Chemistry I lab and Organic Chemistry II lab students in 9 lab sections with 6 teaching assistants. I really cannot keep track of errors with the around 190 total students in the Organic Lecture sections (120 students in Organic II Lecture, 70 students in Organic I Lecture). I have multiple excel spreadsheets and I keep hardcopies of all excel spreadsheets and I regularly post all grades (provided that you submitted a pin number form giving me persmission to post). That way both you and I can check for errors and make sure that you earn exactly the grade that you earn, nothing more and nothing less.
The reason why there is a penalty (on the lab syllabus which you all signed) for turning in lab reports late is that if there is no penalty, some people will hold onto all their lab reports and then try turn them in at the last minute all at once. People get back graded lab reports weekly so first it is unfair for someone to have access to their friend's graded lab report and then turn in the lab report later. You may think that you are going to do so much better if you were able to turn things in late but really it does not help at all. Usually students forget stuff they need in order to do a good lab report if they wait too long to write it up. There is also the problem of if grades need to be submitted on time at the end of the semester. If students hold onto their lab reports until after the grades are submitted, I would argue that you are turning in work after the class is over. How many people let you do that? No one lets you do that and I am not going to let you do that either. There is no possibility - ZERO possibility of you turning things in past the deadline and getting me to submit a grade change after grades are submitted. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/9/16 Saturday at 9:50 am from her Carbondale Apartment
(for my Organic Lecture students, please scroll down to big blue letter hyperlink for course material.) I have also posted the hardcopy of the quizzes and your grades by your non identifiable 4 digit number on the bulletin board on the third floor. (to the right of the elevator as you come out of the elevator in front of Neckers 336 and in front of the bathrooms)
The following shows some examples (click on examples) of why you lose points on Chemical Synthesis problems. It is NOT because I am being mean and picky. I grade synthesis based on what you write down in the previous step. As an example the grading for Jane (just an example name - I don't know any Jane) shows that the answer that she wrote down for step C exactly matches the correct answer. However Jane gets NO POINTS for her step C because there is no way that Jane's step B can undergo reaction with BH3/THF, H2O2, OH- to result in Jane's step C. On the other hand John gets half credit for his step C even though it does not at all match the correct answer for Step C. John gets credit for his step C because his incorrect step B does indeed react with BH3/THF, H2O2, OH- to give John's step C. posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/28/16 Monday at 3:50 pm from her SIU office
The following shows some examples (click on examples) of why you lose points on Chemical Reaction. It is NOT because I am being mean and picky. It is because the following things are INCORRECT according to ANY NORMAL Organic Chemist. A hexagon with a circle inside it (benzene) is NOT the same chemically as a hexagon without a circle inside it (hexane). Hexane does not react at all like benzene. You cannot do an electrophilic substitution reaction on hexane. When you do an oxidation on a primary alcohol, if you move the position of the carbonyl carbon by one measly CH2 group, it is not the same molecule. Chemically for an organic chemist to put in one more CH2 group takes multi step synthesis. It is not easy to just put in one more CH2 group in a carbonyl group.
So if you say then why don't you give partial credit for molecules that are similar to the product so if your answer is just off by one CH2 group why not take off 1/2 points or if you leave the circle out in a benzene molecule why don't you take off half credit. I really avoid doing that like the plague because when I am grading some 120 of the Organic II Lecture exams and 70 of the Organic I Lecture exams, and I give you a blank space on which you can write anything, people will write almost as many variations of wrong as there are people in the class. It is almost impossible for me to keep the grading consistent when I give partial credit for incorrect answers on chemical reactions. I will have a significant number of students who will come and tell me that I took off 1/2 a point more from their exam than I did from their friend's exam. There might be a small difference between the answers or the answer may indeed be exactly the same with a 1/2 point difference in the grading. If I was grading 5 exams or even 20 exams, I could line up all the answers and grade consistenly down to the last 1/2 a point but if I am grading a large number of exams, it is almost impossible to do that.
So the only way that I can be fair is to just give NO PARTIAL CREDIT on incorrect answers on chemical reactions.
Also let me warn you, if you do not take quizzes and exam with no documentation, I will give you a zero on the missed work. I am not going to accept flimsy documentation. If I do I might as well say that everyone can take as few or as many exams as they want and I will just average in the quizzes and exams that you did take. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. You all signed the syllabus agreement saying that unless you have a valid documented excuse, that you will earn a zero on the missed work.
Keep in mind that according to my syllabus, you get to drop TWO of SIX quizzes (with no documentation) and you get to replace ONE missed EXAM of THREE EXAM with the FINAL EXAM (with no documentation). So you can miss 1/3 of the semester's work without documentation and not lose any points. I am not going to quibble with you about a flimsy excuse for missing exams and quizzes on TOP of me letting you drop 1/3 of the semester's work. You can miss approximately 2 clicker days without penalty in the lecture. Some universities have a rule that if you miss a week of classes that you automatically earn an F for the semester. According to that rule, 3 clicker days would earn you an F for the semester and I am letting you drop 2 clicker days without penalty.
In any case if I were you, I would NOT want to try to base the semester's grade on ONE exam or ONE quiz. The reason why I have multiple quizzes and multiple exams is so that if you mess up ONE exam or ONE quiz, you can take another one and do better. It is a real gamble to bet that you will do really well on the ONE exam or the ONE quiz that you do take.
If I accept a flimsy excuse, you do NOT get the class average. You get your own average prorated with the class average so if you earn a 50% on the ONE exam that you take, then your average prorated for the class average will probably be within a point or two of 50% because the class average does not shift very much from exam to exam. Plus if you take multiple exams and quizzes, you get more practice and will in general do better on the exams and quizzes.
So what is going on in the Labs ? On the first lab reports there was a 15 point distribution in the grades between the highest average section and the lowest average section. One section had an average of 96%. Another section had an average of around 79%. I cannot just add 17 pts to one section and then adjust all sections so that all sections have an average of 96%. Another professor told me that he had one TA have an especially high average so that at the end of the semester, he had to add points to all his lab sections. I am not going to give a grade of A to all 90 people in the Organic II Labs. I am not going to give a grade of A to all 70 people in the Organic I Lab. If I do that, they may never let me teach Organic Lab ever again at SIU.
I also do not believe that everyone in my Organic Lab classes earned an A. Plus I don't believe that one section is actually doing 15 points better work than another section. I do not grade the lab reports (6 different teaching assistants are grading those) but I do make up and grade the weekly clicker quizzes which have an average of about 85%. I also make up and grade the Lab Midterm and Lab Final Exam. So I will either adjust the lab report grades so that the sections are consistent - I don't think I will add points to all sections so that all sections end up with a lab report average of 96% OR the Lab Midterm, Lab Final and Lab Clicker Weekly Quiz will have to act as the lab average adjustment. That is what is going on in the labs. I am not trying to flunk out the class but I did have to have a lab Midterm which was challenging enough so that the lab midterm would have a reasonable average (NOT 96%).
It is I suppose possible that one section have all the good students in it becasue they are all one major and another section has all bad students because they are all a different major. This does not mean that I believe that students with a certain major SHOULD get a higher grade than students with a certain other major. That kind of thinking goes against everything that I believe in and I believe any reasonable person will agree that it would be really unfair to give students with a certain major a higher grade BECAUSE they are a certain major. My TAs suggested that at the end of the semester that we assign something like 20% A to all sections, 30% B, etc. The only issue with this kind of adjustment is that this means that a 90% in one section might be an A and a 90% in another section might be a C. Also the students all take a common prelab weekly quiz and a common midterm and common final exam given in the prelab class. I would have to assign grades to individual students NOT based on what points they earned all semester long but on some arbitrary assignement. I don't know all 160 students in my Organic I and Organic II classes. The old syllabus used to have an end of the semester anomymous adjustment (anomymous because the evaluation was between the TA and the professor and could be based on overall work performed by the students not on specific things). So even though the students already received grades on things like product or for things like lack of neatness in the lab or for losing points for turning things in late, there would be an overall performance by the student grade at the end of the semester. I did not feel comfortable being held responsible for a TA's overall grade adjustment because I don't really know ALL of the students individually so I really cannot reasonably assign an overall grade adjustment at the end of the semester so I got rid of that line from the existing old syllabus.
I also told my students about the "SDBS" website which has a lot of information about spectra. I actually brought this up at my TA meeting and told my TAs that I would tell the lab students about "SDBS" that unless they violently objected almost at the very beginning of the semester. The TAs did not violently object. One of my TAs argued at the last TA meeting that because my students know about the "SDBS" website that they don't do any work and just turn in their spectra with information from the SDBS or from some other website. (Although I have to argue if one section's lab average was 75% then there must be somethings that the students are not getting correct on the lab reports. I don't think I am giving away all the answers or dumbing down the lab class if at least one of the sections has an average of 75%. ) My reasoning for telling my students about "SDBS" is that all people who do chemistry research know about "SDBS" and I did not think that some students who were doing chemistry research should have an additional resource that all students do not have so I gave that resource to all of my Organic Lab students.
I am NOT doing research under the supervison of some other professor at SIU and have no plans to in the future do research under the supervision of some other professor at SIU. I am NOT grading against certain people BECAUSE they ARE or ARE NOT doing research with certain people and I am sure everyone would agree that it would be really unfair if any faculty member did any such thing.
posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 3:30 pm 3/11/16 (updated by Dr. Hahn on 3/28/17 Monday at 3:50 pm fro her SIU office - there is no prelab class meeting today because this is the 2nd week continuation lab for both the Organic I Lab and Organic II Lab)
Grading ~160 x 6 page x all non multiple choice Lab Midterm on 3/13/16
Sunday at 11:30 am from her Carbondale Apartment. Next time
I'll put in some multiple choice questions. This things is taking
longer than I anticipated. I can't just power through either
because if I just grade while tired, I start making mistakes and then
you'll all complain about the 1/2 point more I took from you relative to
your friend. Sigh.
: (
If someone requests a multiple choice regrade with comment "... I can't tell what I missed in your grading because my exam has no marks at all on the multiple choice however I am sure that I missed none of the questions ..." I will note that I do not mark up each exam's multiple choice and I do not print out each person's multiple choice computer form. Instead I hold on to your scantron. I let you print out the answer key which has the correct answers for the multiple choice. You should mark your own exam when you take the exam so that you can tell what you missed when you get back your graded short answers and graded multiple choice exam to keep. If I am going to mark on your multiple choice by hand what you missed I might as well not bother with scantrons. If I have to print out individual computer generated multiple choice gradesheet, sort the 200 exams (for lecture) or sort the 160 exams (for the lab) and then manually staple your multiple choice gradesheet to individual exams I will spend less time just leaving out multiple choice on the exams altogether.
For multiple choice regrades you do not need to turn back your exams because I have your scantrons. You just have to tell me what you believe are the answer key errors.
posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/13/16 Sunday at 11:50 am from her Carbondale Apartment
Update to Update: I posted everything back up with the most recent set of grades. If it gets pulled down again, I will repost. posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/24/16 at 9:05 am from her SIU office
Update: Someone removed everything posted outside the glass case of the bulletin board. I had things taped to the bulletin board frame and all of that has been removed. It wasn't me because I have nothing to hide. I will try to repost these.
posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/22/16 at 10:50 am from her SIU office
Please note that the answer keys to quizzes and exams and all of your grades including individual clicker points are posted on my bulletin board on the third floor in front of Neckers 336 in between the elevators and stairways. FYI: I also still have posted on the side of the bulletin board the grades for the Fall 2015 semester. I did not remove those so that you can see what happens at the end of the semester. So instead of asking me: What is considered to be an A is it 88% and higher ? You can see that even people with 89.2% did not get an A. However people with 89.6 and higher did get an A by normal rules of rounding up. I had a lot of A grades even with this cut off. How low does my C grade go ? You can see how low it went in my Fall 2015 semester grades. Your syllabus says that you drop 2 quiz grades, you are kidding right ? Or if I miss all the quizzes and get a 100% (25/25) on one quiz than my quiz average is a 100% , correct ? You will see that I actually put "x" by the 2 quiz grades that I dropped in the Fall 2015 semester. You will see that a person who had one 100% quiz and then took no other quizzes ended up with a 25% for their quiz average, etc.
When checking your grades, please make sure that you are checking for your grade in the correct list. Even in the same class, I usually end up with 6 groups of people with the same pin numbers. So 6 people who have a pin number twin and they can't tell why they got a 25 / 25 on their quiz but there is a posting for 25/25 and then another one for 5/25 and they are wondering if I am playing around with their grades. Nope. If I was playing around with your grades, I would NOT post your grades so that everyone can see the grades. If you do see a pin number twin, then please submit another pin number form and I will correct it. Also note that I have a pin number form for the lecture and another pin number form for the lab so if you only submitted a form for the lecture but not one for the lab, then I am not posting your grades for the lecture. Even worse there might be a pin number twin in the lecture class and you might wonder why you earned a 85% on your Exam I but there is a posted grade of 75% by your pin number. That would be if another person submitted the same pin as you and you only submitted a pin number form for the lab so your pin number is not posted for the lecture.
Keep in mind that I have 120 Organic II lecture students, 70 Organic Chemistry I lecture students, 90 Organic Chemistry II lab students and 70 Organic Chemistry I lab students. If you had to keep track of 350 individual things x about 10 individual grades for each of the 350 would you be able to keep everything perfect ? For the lecture clickers, there are about 40 days x 190 students = 7,600 individual clicker days. Would you be able to keep track of who was there on 3/2/16 when you look back on 5/17 Tuesday (the grading deadline day) ? So would you be able to keep in your memory individual incidents out of 7,600 individiual incidents ? If 10% of the days had excuses that I had to keep track of that would be 760 individual excuses that I would have to take care of at the end of the semester. This is the reason why I have the, I will drop 5% of your lecture daily clicker points rule.
It is your responsiblity to check the posting to make sure that there are no errors. If someone else has the same pin number as you, please submit another pin number form. Don't get all upset that someone in another class in a different semester had the same pin number as you and your quiz grades are all messed up. Yes it is because you are not that person from that semester.
posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/2/16 at 10:25 am from her SIU office
I believe my lecture Notes (which you can view but cannot print or save to your computer) opens for almost all SIU computers including the Math computer lab in front of my office. The Exams and Quizzes have no protection and can be printed anywhere. Lab notes and powerpoints have no protection and should be openable anywhere. The lecture notes are designed so that you should come to class and actually take notes by hand. I say a lot more than are on the notes so if you miss class and just view the posted notes, you will not do well in my class. The notes are not supposed to function as your own set of notes after coming to class and ignoring me without writing down the lecture notes as I go over the lecture. The posted notes should just be used to supplement your own lecture notes if you missed some part of the notes. Most students who fail Organic, never attend class and miss a lot of quizzes and exams. It is in your best interest to show up to class.
Update Posted Lecture Notes: I consulted the College of Science IT guy and the modified lectures notes are openable on the Math computers in front of my office Neckers 255. Although I did not extensively test it. Please note the end date of the notes. After the end date, even if it appears to be an openable document, you will not be able to open it because it auto deletes itself. posted by Dr. Hahn 2/20/16 Saturday at 4:50 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Posted Lecture Notes: All lecture notes posted before now will be available until 2/23/16 because some of you were having difficulty opening them. I would not use the Math computer room in front of my office Neckers 255 (there is some sort of protection on those computers which prevent you being able to access the notes). I think these should open on the computers at Morris Library (near the help desk) - I did not check (at the library) after modifying the document but the files were openable last semester. I did check a student logged on as student on a computer in the Chemistry Main Office and it works fine. I also posted all notes on D2L but the documents are password protected and are often harder to open on D2L than on this website.
Clicker Issues: Please bring your working clickers to all lectures and prelab classes. In the lecture there are 4% (of final grade points) associated with "attendance clickers". There also is a 10% (of final lab grades) prelab quiz which will count as the prelab quiz given in the Prelab lectures (OCI Lab Monday 4 to 4:50; OCII Lab Monday 3 to 3:50). It is your responsibilty to make sure that your clickers are working.
Common reasons for clickers not working are: (a) low batteries (b) not set to the correct frequency - we are unable to use AA because there is some other class that uses AA so you have to reset to either CC (Organic II, both lecture & lab) or DD (Organic I, both lecture & lab) (c) sitting with lots of obstacles between your clicker and the receiver - I suggest sitting as close to the front of the room as possible & avoid clicking directly into chairs or people.
NO CLICKER ADJUSTMENTS: I will not take your word for telling me that you were there and that you answered correctly even if you come to me with 5 witnesses who agree with you. Nobody has done that yet but it would do you no good if you did. The level of your indigination or the level of your outrage will not effect the outcome. I will not give you back your clicker points because then the "clickers" only measure how agressive and combative you are (and how much you think you can strong arm me) NOT how much chemistry you know or how religiously you attend class.
Class attendance is important in my classes. I am willing to bet that if you never attend class and just view my posted lecture notes that you will likely flunk the class even if you managed to somehow get the clicker points. Never attending class, never taking any quizzes and exams will result in a grade of NS (no show) NOT INCOMPLETE. Missing almost all of the exams and quizzes and selectively taking a few exams and quizzes will probably result in a grade of F unless you can produce hardcopy documentation of the reason why you missed all your work (not likely). You would likely get an F because you would earn a zero for any exams and quizzes you miss without a valid documented excuse.
I will not at the end of the semester note that you did not have a working clicker for 1/3 of the semester and then let you claim the clicker points of whomever dropped the class approximately 1/3 of the semester into the class. Unless you supply a clicker number and register properly, you are NOT going to get some random clicker points just because no one else claimed the points. NO ONE has gotten clicker points from me by making such a claim and NO ONE is going to get clicker points from me by making such a claim.
UPSHOT: I will trust that the clicker hardware/software is working properly. It is your own respnsiblity to make sure that your own clicker is working properly. I will not adjust clicker points to override the clicker hardware/software. We are not going to negotiate clicker points with me giving points to students who make the most noise. You EARN clicker points. There is no NEGOTIATION of clicker points that you DID NOT EARN.
posted by Dr. Hahn 2/9/16 at 11:23 am from her SIU office Neckers 255 (adjusted at 4:10 pm from her SIU office, Neckers 255)
Organic Chemistry II Lecture (CHEM 442) Spring 2016
Here is the lecture note5-2&5-4Monday & Wednesday (available until 5/16/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment 5/4/16 at 9:36 pn
Here is lecture note4-29Friday ( available until May 13th) (technical difficulties while trying to post on 4/29/16 at 8:24 pm from her Carbondale apartment, finally posted by Dr Hahn from her SIU office on 5/3/16 at 4:55 pm
Here is the answer key to Exam III. I have finished grading your exams and will try to return it tomorrow in class. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 4/28/16 at 4 pm
Here is lecture notes4-27Wednesday (available until May 11th) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 4/27 Wednesday at 8:10 om (technical difficulties again- unable to post now ---- I'll post as soon as I can). actually posted on 4/28 at 4 pm Dr. Hahn from her SIU office - sorry technical problems
Here is the lecture notes4-25Monday (available until May 10th) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office Neckers 255 on 4/26 Tuesday at 10:13 am
Here is the lecture notes4-22Friday (available until May 6th) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment at 6:30 pm 4/24/16 Sunday
Here is the answer key for Quiz VI. Please print out your version (form A or form B) and bring to class on Monday (or view on your cell phone) to see common points for common mistakes. I am not completley finished grading now but I graded a few papers of each form and am pretty sure that the grading will be as shown except for a few exceptions which I have not yet run into while grading yet. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/16/16 Saturday at 8:30 am from her Carbondale apartment (still grading)
Here are notes4/15Friday (available until 4/29) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/15/16 Friday at 3:00 pm from her SIU office
Here is the answer key for Quiz V. Please print out your version and bring to class (or view it on your cell phone) to see common points for common mistakes. Alternatively if you trust my grading, you don't need to do that although I would still study the answer keys. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/14/16 Thursday at 9 am from her SIU office, Neckers 255 (not next to chemistry department office but in front of one of doors to Neckers 240)
Here are notes4/13Wednesday (available until 4/27) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/13/16 Wednesday at 3:06 pm from her SIU office, Neckers 255
Here are notes4/8 Friday (available until 4/25) and notes 4/11Monday (available until 4/25) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/12/16 Tuesday from her SIU office, Neckers 255
Here is the AnswerKeyExamII. The first part is the Key with points for common mistakes. Then there is a Key for SA and LA only so that you can see answers without points for common mistakes. Finally there is the Exam without answers. I am not sure that I will be able to return your exams tomorrow. I did finish grading the Exam but I am also giving a Quiz tomorrow and I still have to add up points, put grades into gradebook and prepare to give the Quiz (count out quizzes, number quizzes, make up answer key in case of typos, etc). posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/7 Thursday at 5:55 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are notes4/6 Wednesday (available until 4/20 Wednesday) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 4/6 at 8 pm
Here are notes4/4 Monday (available until 4/18) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 4/4 Monday at 10:40 pm
Here are notes4/1/16Friday (available until 4/18) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 4/4/16 at 10:40 pm
Here is the Answer Key Quiz IV. Please print out your form and bring to class on Monday when I will return your graded quiz. Remember we are having Exam II on 3/30 Wednesday. On Monday, I will go over the Quiz and answer any questions which you need answered before the exam. As always there is no Prelab class this week because this week is the 2nd week of the Lidocaine Lab. posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 3/26 Saturday at 5:30 pm
Here are notes3/25Friday (available until 4/9) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 3/26 Saturday at 9:23 am
Here are notes3/23Wednesday (available until 4/6/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment 3/23/16 Wednesday at 10:30 pm
Here are notes3/21Monday (available until 4/5/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/22/16 Tuesday at 10:13 am
Here are the notes3/11Friday (available until 3/26/16). posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/11/16 Friday at 3:55 pm
Here are the notes3/9Wednesday (available until 3/23/16). projector was up again so these notes should match those from lecture.
Here are notes3/7Monday (available until 3/23/16) These were the notes that I wrote on the chalkboard because of the projector malfunction in Neckers 440 so they probably don't exactly match the notes that I gave in class but it should be similar. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/9/16 at 3 pm
Here are notes3/4Friday (available until 3/19/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 3/5 Saturday at 9 am
Here is the answer key Quiz III (please print out your version & bring to class Monday so that you can check for grading errors). I expect that I will return the graded quiz on Monday. I scanned in the version with the "common points for common mistakes" as well as just the key and the blank version. I thought the one with the common points was a little hard to see the answers for all the point notes. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/4/16 Friday at 10:50 am
Here are notes3/2W (available until 3/17/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/2/16 Wednesday at 4:10 pm
Here are notes 2/26F &2/29M (available until 3/17/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/2/16 Wednesday at 7:40 am
Here are notes-2-24Wednesday (available until 3/9/16 Wednesday). posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office, Neckers 255, on 2/24/16 Wednesday at 3:30 pm
Here are the answer key with common points taken for common mistakes and the blank form of Exam-I-Key Please print out the answer key for your form (either the green or white form) and bring it to class so that you can check for grading errors when I return your graded exams. I will probably return it to you either Friday of this week or Monday. Once again the rule is if you find an error in your graded exam after the day that you pick up your exam, you do not get to request a regrade. No regrade requests as you look over your grades near the end of the semester and realize that you need just 10 points on Exam I in order to get the next higher grade, etc
Here are notes-2-22Monday (this will be availabe until 3/8/16 Tuesday). posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 2/24/16 Wednesday at 11:10 am
Here are notes 2/19Friday (& a little bit of 2/15 Monday which was mostly review and questions for Exam I) (available from now until 3/5/16 Saturday). posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/20/16 Saturday from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the answer key to Quiz II. Please print out and bring to lecture on Monday so that you can use it to compare against your grading. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/14/16 at 1:50 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are the lecture note2/12Friday. (available from now until 2/27/16) posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/13/16 at 2:20 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the lecture note for 2/10 Wednesday. This note will be avaialble until 2/24/16 two weeks from posting date. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/10/16 at 3:10 pm from her SIU office Neckers 255
Here are the lecture notes: 2/1M, 2/3W, 2/5F, 2/8M Because of the problem with opening notes, the notes (from 1/22F to 2/8M) will be available until 2/23 Tuesday. posted by Dr. Hahn 2/9/16Tuesday at 11:25 am from her SIU office Neckers 255
Here is the Quiz I answer key and blank form. posetd by Dr. Hahn on 2/6/16 Saturday at 9:30 pm from her Carbondale apartment PS: One of my students showed me that there is some sort of problem downloading the password protected Notes from my website in the computer lab in front of my office. It downloads fine on my SIU laptop and desktop and it used to download fine at the library computer last semester. Either the notes do not download properly on the computer lab in front of my office OR the university changed something on its computers and the notes can no longer be accessed. I am trying to figure out the problem. I know that the problems is worse on D2L so I am still working on the problem.
Here is the Lecture Notes-1-29-16Friday (these notes will be available until 2/17/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment at 9:15 pm.
Here are the Lecture Notes-1-22F, Notes-1-25M, Notes1/27W (these notes will be available until 2/16 when it will automatcally shut down). I am working on the rest of the notes but I am teaching 2 more classes than last semester with nearly 2 times as many students so I am a little time crunched. posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale Apartment at 10 pm
Here is the Organic II Lecture Syllabus for the Spring 2016 semester. I will post other stuff as I have the time. posted by Dr. Hahn on 1/26/16 at 10:30 am from her SIU office
Organic Chemistry I Lecture (CHEM 340) Spring 2016
Here is the key to the worksheet. posted by Dr. Hahn at 9 pm 5/5/16 from her Carbondale apartment
Here are lecture notes5/2Monday (available 5/16) and notes 5/4Wednesday (available until 5/18 Wednesday) posted by Dr. Hahn at 5/4/16 at 9:36 from her Carbondale apartment
Here are lecture notes 4/29Friday (available until 5/13/16) posted by Dr. Hahn at 4:10 pm from her SIU office
Here is the answer key to Exam III. The exams are graded. I will try to return it tomorrow. posted by Dr. Hahn at 4 pm from her SIU office
Here are your lecture notes 4/27Wednesday (available until 5/11/16) posted by Dr. Hahn at 4 pm 4/28 from her SIU office
Here are your lecture notes 4/25 Monday (available until 5/10/16) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/26 Tuesday at 10:15 am from her SIU office Neckers 255 (the 4/22 notes were actually posted on 4/26 T at 10:15 am because of technical difficulties. I had an internet problem from my apartment when I tried to upload notes on Sunday so I uploaded it today.)
Here is your lecture notes4-22Friday (available until 5/6/16) posted 4/24/16 Sunday at 6:30 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is your "revised answer key for just the reaction mechanism part of QVI". I realised as I was going over the key in class today that there is an error in the answer key. In the very crowded space, I left off a hydrogen on the carbon that ends up with the OH. Please note the actual reaction mechanism has a rearrangement mechanism because I was expecting to get to that before Exam III but because I did not get to it, we will not have a rearrangement reaction mechanism on Exam III. So this mechanism is not the actual correct mechanism. The actual correct mechanism is on the orginal answer key.
However do not study the rearrangement mechanism but study the mechanism on the "revised answer key" for Exam III because I did not get to that before the exam. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/18/16 Monday at 9:25 am from her SIU office Neckers 255
Here is your answer key for Quiz VI. Please print out and bring to class on Monday (or view on your cell phone) to see common points for common mistakes. I am almost completley finished grading your classes Quiz VI except for a few papers. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/16/16 Saturday at 8:30 am from her Carbondale apartment
Here are notes4/15Friday (available until 4/29/16) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/15 Friday at 10 am from her SIU office, Neckers 255
Here is the Answer Key to Quiz V. Please print out (or view on cell phone) the key with common points for common mistakes and bring to class on Friday. (Alternatively if you trust my grading then you don't need to do that although I would still study the answer key for the exam.) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/14/16 Thursday at 9 am from her SIU office, Neckers 255 (not next to chemistry department office but in front of one of the doors to Neckers 240)
Here are notes4/13Wednesday (available until 4/27) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/13 Wednesday at 3:05 pm from her SIU office, Neckers 255
Here are notes4/8Friday (available until 4/26) and notes4/11Monday (available until 4/26) posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/12 Tuesday at 10:20 am from her SIU office, Neckers 255
Here is the AnswerKey Exam II. The first part is the Key with points for common mistakes. Then there is a Key for SA and LA only so that you can see answers without points for common mistakes. Finally there is the Exam without answers. I am not sure that I will be able to return your exams tomorrow. I did finish grading the Exam but I am also giving a Quiz tomorrow and I still have to add up points, put grades into gradebook and prepare to give the Quiz (count out quizzes, number quizzes, make up answer key in case of typos, etc). posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/7 Thursday at 5:55 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are Notes4/6Wednesday (available until 4/20 Wednesday) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 4/6/16
Here are Notes4-4Monday (available until 4/16 Saturday) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 4/5
Here are Notes4-1Friday (available until 4/16 Saturday) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office Neckers 255 at 9:35 am 4/1/15 Friday
Here is the Answer Key Quiz IV. please print out and bring to class on Monday to check for grading errors as I return the graded quiz on Monday. On Monday I will also answer any questions and go over the quiz. Remember Exam II is on Wednesday 3/30. Note that there will be no Prelab class meeting on Monday because this is the 2nd week of the oxidation of cyclododecanol lab. I posted the IR powerpoint both here and on D2L. posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 3/26/16 Saturday at 5:34 pm.
Here are Notes3/25Friday (available until 4/9/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 3/26/16 Saturday at 9:25 am
Here are Notes3/23Wednesday (available until 4/6/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 3/23/16 Wednesday at 10:35 pm
Here are Notes3/21Monday(available until 4/5/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/22/16 at 10:15 am
Here are Notes3/11Friday (available until 3/26/16) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/11/16 Friday
Here are Notes3/9Wednesday (available until 3/23/16). Projector was up again.
Here are Notes3/7Monday (available until 3/23/16) These are the notes that I wrote on the Chalkboard because of the projector malfunction in Neckers 440 so these notes may not exactly match the notes from lecture. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/9/16 Wednseday
Here are Notes3/4Friday (available until 3/19/16) posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/5 Saturday at 9:05 am for her Carbondale apartment
Here is the answer key for Quiz III (print out & bring to class Monday so that you can check for grading errors). I expect that I will return the graded quiz to you on Monday. I scanned in the version with the "common points for common mistakes" as well as just the key and the blank version. I thought the one with the common points was a little hard to see the answers for all the point notes. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 3/4/16 Friday at 10:50 am
Here are the Notes3/2Wednesday (available until 3/17/16) posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/2/16 at 9:50 am from her SIU office
Here are the Notes2/26Friday&2/29Monday (available until 3/17/16) posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/2/16 at 7:40 am from her SIU office
Here is the Answer Key for Exam I with common points for common mistaes. I will probably hand out the exam either Friday or Monday depending on if I manage to finish grading by then. It takes quite a bit of time to add up points and I am doing that now for both your and my Organic II Lecture class. If I hand out the exam on Friday, I will copy enough exams for about half of the class to have their own copy of the exam answer key. OK I am going by the assumption that I will return it on Friday - so I will have enough exams keys printed out for about half the class because I am not giving you enough time to print out the key before you get to class. posted by Dr. Hahn 2/25/16 at 3:10 pm from her SIU office Neckers 255.
Here are the lecture notes 2/24Wednesday (this will be available until 3/9/16) and notes 2/22 Monday. (this will be available until 3/8/16) posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/24/16 Wednesday from her SIU office at 11:15 am
Here is the lecture note2-19Friday (& a little bit of 2/15 Monday which was mostly review and questions for Exam I) (available from now until 3/5/16 Saturday). posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/20/16 Saturday from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the answer key to Quiz II. Please print out and bring to class to check your Quiz II grading on Monday. D2L is down for maintainence so I am posting here. If D2L is not up later today, I will try to email you the Quiz II answer key. posted by Dr. Hahn at 10:15 am 2/14/15 from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the lecture note-2-12Friday. (up until 2/27) posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/13/16 Saturday 2:20 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are the lecture notes for 2/10 Wednesday, it will be up from now until 2 weeks from today 2/24/16. (even if the document looks like a link, you will not be able to view the files because the file will self destruct after the deadline.) posted by Dr. Hahn 2/10/16 at 10:10 am from her SIU office Neckers 255.
Here are the lecture notes: 1/27W, 1/29F, 2/1M, 2/3W, 2/5F, 2/8M Because of the problem with opening notes, the notes (from 1/22F to 2/8M) will be available until 2/23 Tuesday. posted by Dr. Hahn 2/9/16 Tuesday at 11:26 am from her SIU office Necker 255 (PS: even if the document looks like a link, you will not be able to view the files becasue the files will self destruct after the deadline)
Here is the Quiz I answer key and blank form. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/6/16 Saturday at 9:30 pm from her Carbondale apartment See above comment about password protected lecture notes under OCII Lecture for 2/6/16
Here is the Lecture Notes-1-22F&1-25M (these notes will be available until 2/16 when it will automatically shut down). I am working on the rest of the notes but I am teaching 2 more classes than last semester with nearly 2 times as many students so I am a little time crunched. posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale Apartment at 10 pm
Here is the Organic I Lecture Syllabus for the Spring 2016 semester. I will post other stuff as I have the time. posted by Dr. Hahn on 1/26/16 at 10:30 am from her SIU office
Organic Chemistry II Lab (CHEM 443) Spring 2016
Here is the grade with common points Final Exam Key. I did not have time to write it up neatly but this is what the key looked like while I was grading your Final Exam. posted by Dr. Hahn at 3:50 pm on 5/3/16 Tuesday from her SIU office
Here is the UnknownPowerpoint posted by Dr. Hahn at 5:30 pm on 4/18/16 from her Carbondale apartment.
Here is the front cover of the UnknownLab. Here are the NMR spectra of the unknowns.(Unknown #1, Unknown#2, Unknown#3, Unknown#4, Unknown# 5, Unknown#6, Unknown#7, Unknown#8, Unknown#9, Unknown#10) If you did not sign up for an unknown you will sign up for one during the prelab class. Please go to your lab class with the NMR for your unknown already printed out. posted by Dr. Hahn at 4 pm from her Carbondale Apartment
Here is the IR of the Enzymatic Reduction starting material methyl acetoacetate. IR was taken by Peter, one of the OCII Lab TAs. posted by Dr. Hahn at 10:15 am from her SIU office Neckers 255.
Here is the Enzymatic Reduction Powerpoint. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/4/16 Monday at 5:50 pm from her Carbondale Apartment
Here are: FrontCover of Enzymatic Reduction Lab. NMR Spectra of Enzymatic Reduction Lab posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/3/16 Sunday 4:20 pm from her Carbondale Apartment
Here is the IR for the starting 1,3-dimethyl-2-nitrobenzene for the Lidocaine lab. IR was taken by Sam, one of the OC II Lab TAs. Please note that the name of dimethyl benzene is xylene so some of the NMR spectra are labeled nitroxylene instead of dimethyl nitro benzene. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/2/16 at 1:50 pm from her Carbondale Apartment
Here are the NMR spectra for the Lidocaine posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/26/16 at 11:16 am from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the LidocainePowerpoint posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/21/16 Monday at 5:50 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the key to the Organic Chem II Lab Midterm. Please print out a copy of the key with common points for common mistakes and bring to the prelab class on Monday. I will return the Midterm on Monday. posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/17/16 Thursday at 8:16 am from her Carbondale Apartment during Spring Break
Here is the front cover of the Synthesis of Lidocaine posted by Dr. Hahn at 3/14/16 Monday at 5:10 pm from her Carbondale apartment during Spring Break
Here is the NitrationExptPowerpoint posted by Dr. Hahn at 2/29/16 Monday at 5:53 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the cover page of the NitrationExpt. posted 2/28/16 Sunday at 10:40 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are the NMR for Wittig/Horner. (NMR supplied by Dr. Plunkett). Here are the IR for the starting material for the Wittig/Horner. (IR collected by GK your Organic II TA for 2 of the lab sections). Please explain and include the spectra in the Lab Notebook Lab Report for the Wittig.
We will not be meeting the prelab class this week because it is just the continuation lab for the Wittig lab. Once again I am posting on my website because D2L is giving an error message for the Organic II Lab although I was able to log into D2L during the week (when I was too busy giving the exam to the Organic I and Organic II Lecture) to post onto D2L. My inability to post on D2L has nothing to do with my being the primary instructor of record for this class. I am still the primary instructor of record for this class. It is just gives me an error message. posted by Dr. Hahn at 4:20 pm on 2/20/16 Saturday from her Carbondale Apartment
Here is the sample Formal Lab Report that some of you asked for. I was unable to post on D2L so I am posting it here until D2L allows me to post it there. posted by Dr. Hahn 2/15/16 Monday at 6:50 pm
Here is the powerpoint for the Wittig/Horner. I could not post it on D2L because of some sort of maintenance. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/15/16 Monday at 5:35 pm from her Carbondale apartment as soon as I got home.
Here is the front page for your Wittig/Horner lab report. Please print and bring to your lab this week. I will have a few pritned copies at the Prelab class. I tried to post to D2L but D2L is down for maintenance currently so I am posting it here. If D2L is still not up later today, I may email you the worksheet. posted by Dr. Hahn at 2/14/16 Sunday at 10:20 am from her Carbondale Apartment.
I posted the spectra as a pdf document for the Grignard in D2L. I emailed everyone that the spectra is posted. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/6/16 Saturday at 9:30 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the Organic II Lab Syllabus for the Spring 2016 semester. I will post other stuff as I have the time. posted by Dr. Hahn on 1/26/16 at 10:30 am from her SIU office
Organic Chemistry I Lab (CHEM 341) Spring 2016
Here is the answer key with common points for the Lab Final Exam. I did not have time to write it up neatly but it is what I used to grade your Final. posted by Dr. Hahn on 5/3/16 at 3:50 pm from her SIU office.
Here is the EliminationPowerpoint. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/18/16 Monday at 5:30 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the Elimination front page of lab report. Elimination IR starting material, Elimination NMR posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/16/16 Saturday at 4:05 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the UnknownPowerpoint and the lab report front page. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/11/16 at 5:35 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the for NMR Spectra for Spring 2016. (Unknown #1, Unknown#2, Unknown#3, Unknown#4, Unknown#5, Unknown#6, Unknown#7, Unknown#8, Unknown#9, Unknown#10) Please print out your NMR for the unknown that you chose in the previous week and bring to your lab class. We will have the Prelab Lecture and Prelab Quiz on Monday as normally. If you forgot to select your unknown number, then please sign up when you come to the prelab class. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/9/16 Saturday at 9 am from her Carbondale Apartment
Here is the NMR Powerpoint. posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/4/16 at 5:50 pm
Here is the NMR-Lab-Worksheet posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/3/16 Sunday at 4:30 pm from her Carbondale Apartment
Here is the IR for the starting cyclododecanol. I got it online. Jack (one of the Organic II Lab TAs) accidentally took the IR of cylclohexanol and gave it to me Friday 4/1 during the TA meeting. It does look kind of simiar to the actual cyclododecanol. I hope he was pulling my leg because I am assuming that he was able to read the name of the molecule which I emailed all the TAs when I requested IRs with deadline for when I wanted the IRs. Please note that the IR of both the starting material and the product is in your lab textbook near the lab directions. You do need to note the similarity / difference to the IR that you should have collected of your product cyclododecanone when you turn in your lab report.
Here is a sample well written lab report from prior semesters. Your TA should have told you what he wants because he will be grading the lab reports not me.
posted by Dr. Hahn on 4/2/16 from her Carbondale apartment on 1:40 pm
Here is the powerpoint for the IR. Since March 28 prelab is the second week of the contiuation lab we will just not meet in the prelab lecture. We have not yet gotten to the IR in the lecture, I will just post this. You will take the IR of your oxidation product of the cyclodedecanol. posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/26/16 Saturday at 9:40 am from her Carbondale apartment.
Here is the oxidation of Cyclododecanol powerpoint. posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/21/16 Monday at 5:50 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the Key to Organic Chem I Lab. Please print out a copy of the key with common points for common mistakes and bring to the prelab class on Monday. I will return the Midterm on Monday. posted by Dr. Hahn on 3/17/16 Thursday at 8:16 am from her Carbondale Apartment during Spring Break
Here is the cover of the Oxidation of Cyclododecanol posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 3/14/16 Monday at 5:10 pm (during Spring Break)
Here is the DistillationPowerpoint posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 2/29/16 Monday at 5:55 pm
Here is the DistillationWorksheet. posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment, on 2/28/16 at 10:45 pm
Here is the ChromatographyPowerpoint. Sorry, it is late. I forgot. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/22/16 at 8:20 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the worksheet for the Chromatography Lab. Please print and bring to your lab this week. I will have a few printed copies at the Prelab class for those of you who had technical difficulties and were unable to print. I was able to post it to D2L and emailed you that it was emailed. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/20/16 at 4:35 pm from her Carbondale Apartment
Here is the worksheet for the Molecular Modeling Lab. Please print and bring to your lab this week. I will have a few printed copies at the Prelab class. I already posted to D2L but D2L is down for maintenance currently so I am posting it here. If D2L is still not up later today, I may email you the worksheet. posted by Dr. Hahn at 2/14/16 Sunday at 10:15 am from her Carbondale Apartment
I posted the lab worksheet for the "Extraction Lab" on D2L. I emailed everyone that the worksheet is posted. posted by Dr. Hahn on 2/6/16 Saturday at 9:30 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here is the Organic I Lab Syllabus for the Spring 2016 semester. I will post other stuff as I have the time. posted by Dr. Hahn on 1/26/16 at 10:30 am from her SIU office
For both OC I & OCII:
If you were in my Fall 2015 semester Organic I or Organic II lecture class and want to see your Final Exam from the Fall 2015 semester, please email me to make an appointment. The appointment time should be during normal business hours on normal business days obviously not while I am teaching classes. (normal business days would be Monday through Friday and normal business hours would be from 9 am to 11 am and from 2 pm to 4 pm assuming that it takes about a half hour for you to look at your exam). I graded these at my Carbondale apartment and submitted the final grades from my Carbondale apartment so the exams are not at my office. I am not planning on bringing all the exams to the office so if you just show up to my office, I will not have the final exam lying around in the office. (keeping in mind that I can barely carry the exams because of the volume and mass of the 250 x 12 to 14 page exams) I would also request that you hold off until after things have settled down after the start of the semester because I will be very busy getting the semester started off and I would rather not spend lots of time going over last semester's final exams while I am busy trying to get the semester started (writing syllabus, inputting names into roster, inputting pin numbers, setting up iclickers, looking through information sheets, etc). (I drove to SC from IL and I am not at all sure that the roads back are completley flood free now. Also my appointment is only for teaching, I am not doing any research and there is really nothing to do at the office until the semester starts. My Mom also keeps feeding me my favorite foods and it is kind of hard to walk away from that until I have to. I am just hoping that I will not be 5 pounds heavier when I get back.)
posted by Dr. Hahn from her parent's Columbia, SC home at 3:40 pm 1/5/16 Tuesday
I posted the Final Grades on the glass case on the third floor of Neckers (between the stairs and the elevator and in front of the bathrooms). This posting shows the dropped quizzes (there is an "x" in front of the dropped quiz). If your Final Exam was higher than any one of the original exams, I replaced the lowest exam by the Final exam (students whose Final replaced an exam has a * to indicate that a grade was replaced). I also have not removed the posting of all of the clickers points by individual days for the entire semester. The posting shows the final letter grade assigned as well.
The grade was calculated as originally stated in the syllabus (page 2). Your final grade was calculated as:
final % grade = [{(quiz average)+(3*exam ave)+(2*final exam)+(click/2)}/650]*100
90% and above A, 80% and above B, C dips below 70%, normal round up rules)
If you want to see your graded Final Exam next semester, please email me ahead and you can look at your Final together with the answer key with common points for common mistakes.
I graded all 250 Final Exams all by myself. I did almost finish grading the ~50 student Organic II Final x 14 pages x 2/3 not multiple choice on the day of the Final Exam for the Organic I. I finished grading the 200 student Organic I Final x 12 to 13 page x 2/3 not multiple choice Final around 12/21 Monday. I finished posting your grades into banner by 7:55 am on 12/22 Tuesday. I did not pull any allnighters. I only stayed up until around 3 am on 12/22 Tuesday and then got up at 5:30 am to finish up the grading. Banner stopped being accessible by 8 am on 12/22 Tuesday. To finish grading all your exams by myself since 12/18/15 Friday when I gave the Final Exam to the ~200 Organic I class, I essentially graded from around 6 am or 7 am to around 11 to 12 pm on 12/19 Saturday,12/20 Sunday, 12/21 Monday. (so that would be 3 solid days of 18 hour days of doing nothing but grading all day. I barely had time to eat.) Needless to say, I was really tired on 12/22 Tuesday after submitting the grades at 7:55 am. The advantage of grading by myself is that I can grade around the clock in my apartment in my jammies rather than wasting time arranging to meet with some student to help me grade. However I have to say that my brain is not really funtioning that well after all that grading.
I rested up on 12/22 Tuesday and then I then drove myself home to my parents in SC on 12/23/15, a 10 hour drive by myself. I was going to get up at the crack of dawn to start my drive home but even though I set my alarm to go off at 5:30 am, I could not get up (because I was so tired I guess). So I left at around 9 am so I thought I should get to Columbia by around 7 pm with a 10 hour drive but noooh, I only arrived at my parents at around 9 pm. There was tornado warnings all along the way home and it rained continuously all the way on the drive home. I drove on I-40 with its winding roads in total darkness in the pouring heavy rain. There was heavy Christmas traffic almost all the way home. My parents looked good but I think they keep shrinking every time I see them.
I have been sleeping a lot so that is the reason that I have not replied to your requests for Final Exam grades. I'll get to it soon.
posted by Dr. Juliet Hahn on 12/26/15 at 11 am from her parent's Columbia, SC home
NOTE: If you miss an exam without a valid excuse you will earn a zero. The first missed exam zero will be replaced by your final exam grade. The second missed exam zero will remain a zero which will not go away. There are only 3 exams in both Organic I Lecture and Organic II Lecture. I am not NOT NOT giving the same exam to a subset of people under the table. I do not give the same exam before the exam to everyone else. I do not give the same exam after the exam to everyone else. My syllabus (which you signed) states NO MAKE UP EXAM.
If you have a valid excuse for missing an exam (a note from the doctor on letterhead - I can contact the doctor and confirm that your neck was broken on the day of the exam, etc.), I will average and plug in a grade. For example if you miss Exam III with documentation:
(calculated Missing Exam III grade / your ave all exams ) = (class average Exam III / class ave. all other exams)
If you miss the FINAL EXAM with no documentation, you will earn a ZERO on the missed final exam (example no documentation: overslept, whisper in my ear that you weren't feeling well but you have no proof, etc.) If you miss the FINAL EXAM with documentation, I don't have enough time to make up a "make up final" before final grades are due so I will give you an INCOMPLETE with hard copy paper work stating that you just have to take the Make Up Final exam which I will give you next semester. The make up final exam will not be the same final exam that everyone else got - I will post the Final Exam answer key. There will be no class of other people to use for a curve so it will not be curved.
EXCUSES MUST BE TURNED IN at the last day of classes: FINAL DEADLINE: Organic I Lecture 11 am section 12/11/15 Friday at 11:50 am; Organic I Lecture 5 pm section: 12/9/15 Wednesday at 6:15 pm ; Organic II Lecture 12/11/15 Friday at 12:50 pm
FINAL EXAM: Organic I Lecture 11 am section - 12/18 Friday 10:15 am to 12:15 pm (on roster around 130 students)
Organic I Lecture 5 pm section - 12/18 Friday 5 pm to 7 pm (on roster around 70 students)
Organic II Lecture - 12/14 Monday 12:30 to 2:30 pm (on roster around 50 students)
University Deadline to turn in Grades: 12/21 Monday at 12 noon I am grading your FINAL by myself and it will be between 15 to 20 pages long 2/3 not multiple choice. It usually takes me a minimum of 3 days to grade a normal length exam but while continuing to teach, making up more quizzes, etc. I will go sleepless around final grade time. You don't turn things in ON TIME, it is not going to go into your grade.
posted by Dr. Hahn at 3:40 pm 11/30/15 from her SIU office
to Study for the Final Exam for both Organic I and Organic II Lecture: cumulative and 1/3 multiple choice, 1/3 short answer, 1/3 long answer I am shooting for an exam that will take you about an hour to complete. This means that I will have to leave out a lot of stuff. I cannot include everything that we studied this semester to come up with an hour's worth of exam. It will NOT be more from material after Exam III.
(a) multiple choice on the final exam will be identical (exactly identical) to multiple choice from Exam I, Exam II, Exam III + few new MC questions but scrambled by question number and question choices (for OCI: MC will be MC from your own section only) I will also delete about 2/3 of the questions from each exam.
(b) I will try to choose MC which are not memorization type MC. MC has stuff from the beginning of the semester and covers a LOT of material.
(c) Short Answer and Long Answer will be similar to the SA & LA from Exam I, II, III from all versions of the exams. In the way that quizzes are similar to similar to the exams, the Exams will be similar to the Final.
(d) I would study in order: (from least amount of time) Exam I, Exam II, Exam III; Quiz I to Quiz VI; worksheet after EIII; examples from lecture (most amount of time) In general of course if you spend more time, you will get a better grade.
Happy Organic Final Exam studying !
posted by Dr. Hahn on 12/11/15 at 8 pm from her Carbondale apartment
[The reason why I am writing an hour exam instead of writing a 2 hour exam (for the 2 hour final exam time slot) is because I will be grading the 50 OC II and 200 OC II Exam by myself. The exams are 2/3 not multiple choice. The Final for the 200 student Organic I Lecture is on the last day of the final exam - 12/18/15. One of the sections has a final at 5 pm to 7 pm on Friday 12/18/15. The Final Grade deadline is 12/22/15 Tuesday at 8 am (this is the revised deadline). It normally takes me about a week to grade 250 Organic Lecture exams when I am also making up more quizzes, teaching classes, posting grades, etc. I will barely finish grading the Final Exam in time for the Final Grade deadline with an approximately 10 page x 2/3 not multiple choice exam. (approximately a few pages over 10 pages)] posted by Dr. Hahn on 12/12/15 at 7:25 am from her Carbondale apartment - from a break from writing the Final Exam
If you say but why can't you approximately do that ? I can't because if I did, 250 people would request regrades showing me where I gave someone a half a point more than them although you both had exactly the same answer. I recently had a student who gave both the Markovnikov and anti Markovnikov product in their reaction and wrote some explanation with some abbreviation (known only to the student and not a common abbreviation consisting of an underline under the letter M) written between the two products. The answer was Markovnikov's product. I took off half credit. The student had erased an arrow of about 2 mm width written under some other words she claimed pointing to one of the answers. The student spent about 10 minutes arguing with me that she deserved full credit because of her erased 2 mm arrow written under (as in a nonerased word covered/was written over the 2 mm long incompletely erased arrow).
So on a reaction, if you do not give the completly correct answer, a stereoisomer, regioisomer or a correct intermediate on the way to the correct product, no partial credit end of story no further discussion needed.
posted by Dr. Hahn on 10/22/15 at 10 am from her SIU office
If you are having problems opening the notes: If you web browser downloads things by first saving the document, you may be unable to see the notes. I set the notes so that you are unable to save the notes. That is what one student's non Mac laptop showed when they showed me their download problem. I am not a computer tech person so I don't know exactly how to resolve the issue. I am going to suggest that you go to the library computer room with the help desk and ask the help desk person to help you figure out your problem. I am guessing that somewhere in your control panel, you have an option to either (a) save when downloading or (b) give the option to either save or open when downloading. Last weekend it took me almost a full day to upload all of the notes from the past few weeks. I don't instantly know how to do things so if I at this point before the exam try to re-upload all of those files in a differnt way, I will not have enough time to make up your Monday exam.
I think that the DocNotes should not be the only way that you have been taking notes all semester long. For one thing you knew that I was having difficulty uploading the notes because my laptop died. You should have been coming to class and taking notes as they were presented to you. This is not my way of taking attendance. This is the way that I am presenting information to 250 students who are taking a face to face class. If my primary mode of getting the lecture to you was to email you my lecture notes, this is almost the same as handing you the textbook or the study guide to the textbook.
For one I say a lot more than I write down in the DocNotes. If you missed a class, my syllabus states that it is the responsibility of the person who missed class to get the notes from someone who was in class. I am obiously not able to re-do the entire lecture for everyone in class who misses a class because it is not a class of 5 people. I am teaching ~ 250 students this semester so if 30 students miss one lecture each and want me to re - do the hour lecture for them individuallly, I would spend 3 days (of 10 hours each day) doing nothing but re-doing the lecture for the students who missed class.
posted by Dr. Hahn at 9:45 am 9/19/15 from her Carbondale apartment while looking out my window at my car in the clocktower parking lot
Organic Chemistry I Information: Fall 2015 Dr. Hahn for sections (1) MW 5 to 6:15 pm Neckers 240 section (2) MWF 11 to 11:50 am Neckers 240
Here is the Final-Exam-KeyFall15 posted by Dr. Hahn on 12/28/15 at 11:15 pm from her parents Columbia, SC home
Here is the WorkSheet-12-9-15 (between Exam III and Final Exam to help you study for the Final). posted by Dr. Hahn on 12/11/15 Friday at 2:50 pm
Here are Notes12-9-15Wednesday. (available until 12/19/15 Saturday) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 10:50 am on 12/10/15
Here are Notes12-4-15Friday & Notes12-7-15Monday. These will only be available until 12/19/15 Saturday (the day after Final Exams Day). posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 10:50 am on 12/8/15
Here is the printable IR Chart. If I give you a question about IR on an exam which requires that you know IR numbers, you will be provided with an IR chart just like the one given here. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 10:20 am on 12/7/15 Monday
Here is the answer key to Exam III all forms. Here are Notes11/30/15. These will only be available until 12/19/15 Saturday (the day after Final Exam day).
To study for the Final Exam: The Final will be 1/3 multiple choice, 1/3 short answers and 1/3 long answers. The multiple choice will be identical to the multiple choice of Exam I, Exam II and Exam III for your own section. I will get rid of 2/3 of the questions from each exam and then scramble the questions. Short answers and long answers will not be identical to the questions from old exams. Short Answers and Long Answers will be similar to Exams in the way that quizzes were similar to the exams.
You should also think how can she make it so that it would be easy to grade ? I will be grading the Final by myself and you will take the final on 12/18/15 Friday (5 pm class ending at 7 pm) and then I have to submit the final grades by noon on 12/21/15 Monday. You are probably thinking to yourself that it normally takes her about a week to grade a regular exam, how can she grade a longer exam in 2 days ? Usually when I grade your exams, I am also making up lecture notes, making up the next quiz, coming up with clicker points to post, positing grades, etc. I will just work on grading the final exam. I will choose questions which are easy to grade. I will have to have all other things like excused absences, all of the grading (clicker grading, deleting lowest quizzes, etc) all complete before I give the final exam. I am also planning on going sleepless.
So if you turn anything in late (such as excues for missing things), I will just have to not count that. Also this explains why it is impossible for me to give you a makeup exam before final grades are due. If you do not take the final with the rest of the class, I will either give you a zero or an incomplete for missing the exam.
posted by Dr. Hahn on 12/5/15 at noon from her Carbondale Apartment
more Info for Exam III: Exam III (12/2/15 Wednesday) starts in Chapter 8 at the oxidation of alkene reactions (meaning including the oxidation of alkene reactions on Exam III). Exam III ends with the Mass Spectra part of Chapter 12 which I covered in the last class (11/18 for the 5 pm class and 11/20 for the 11 am class). When I say that I literally cut and past from Quiz V and Quiz VI, it means that you should understand the questions and be able to do similar questions. It does not mean that you should memorize the answers because if I give you the same question but a different molecule or diffent reaction to answer the same question, just writing down the answer from the quiz is the wrong answer. My other suggestion is to show up on the Monday before the Wednesday Exam III because I will return your graded Quiz VI and we will use that day for you to ask any questions that you have about anything on Exam III. If you run out of questions, we will then go on with Chapter 12 material.
To get an approximate grade assuming that you continue to get the same average on your Exam III, and the Final Exam as you already have as your average between Exam I and Exam II. exam, quiz average is in percentage of 100, and the clicker should also be as a percentage of 100. You could use the already posted Exam average and the posted Quiz average and the posted clicker grade.
[(exam average)*(500/650)] + [(quiz average)*(100/650)] + [(clicker)*(50/650)] = ____ % grade
Note that you do get to drop 2 of the quiz grades and if you do better on the Final Exam, your final exam grade will replace your lowest exam grade. 90% and above is an A, 80% and above is a B, but the C cutoff fizzeles out. All your grades which you earned so far are posted in the bulletin board on the 3rd floor of Neckers in between the elevator and the staircase and in front of the bathrooms. You should look at the posted grades and make sure that there are no errors because the posted grades are directly out of my excel spread sheet which I will use to assign your final grade. Probably on the Monday after Thanksgiving, I will post an "x" in front of the 2 quiz grades to be dropped and will post those.
Have a good Thanksgiving (I'll be making up your exams on Thanksgiving.) and then study for your Exam III. I want you all to do really well on Exam III. Happy Organic studying!
posted by Dr. Hahn on 11/25/15 at 4:40 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are Notes11-23-15Monday Here are PowerPointNotes11/23/15 This Note will only be accessible until 12/2/15 one week from today. Here are the answer keys for Quiz VI. For Exam III (to be given on 12/2/15) please study Quiz V and Quiz VI, examples in the lecture notes, lecture material, etc. Exam III will be in the same format as the other exams (~1/3 multiple choice, ~1/3 short answer and ~1/3 long answers). posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 9:25 am 11/24/15 (forgot to post the Chapter12 powerpoint so I posted it 11/26/15 Thanksgiving Day at 8:20 am from her Carbondale apartment Dr. Hahn)
Here are Notes11-20-15Friday. This Note will only be accessible until 11/27/15 one week from today. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 2:50 pm 11/20/15.
Here are Notes11-18-15Wednesday. (This Note will only be accessible until 11/25/15 one week from today.) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 4 pm 11/18/15
Here are Notes11-16-15Monday. (This Note will only be accessible until 11/24/15 one week from today.) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 4:20 pm 11/17/15.
Here are answer keys to Exam II and Quiz V. posted by Dr. Hahn at 4:25 pm 11/16/15 from her SIU office
Here are Notes: Notes11-9-15Monday, Notes11-13-15Friday (11/11 Wednesday was a university holiday) These Notes will only be accessible until 11/21/15 next Sunday. posted by Dr. Hahn on 11/13/15 Friday
Here are Notes: Notes10-23-15Friday, Notes10-28-15Wednesday, Notes10-30-15Friday, Notes11-2Monday, Notes11-4Wednesday, Notes11-6Friday. These Notes will only be accessible until 11/14/15. I have been working on putting these notes in a format that works with the D2L website (& I am still working on it) but because a few students asked that I make the notes available prior to the Monday quiz on my website if not on the D2L website, here they are on my website. It will be on the D2L website as soon as I figure out a few things. Good luck studying for Quiz V.
Note that Quiz V will not include synthesis problem because of the time limitation of the quiz (don't want to have you do one synthesis problem for 15 minutes of the quiz, you miss the one problem and get a zero on the quiz) Two weekends ago I zeroxed the 10 page exam for the OC I class (200 exams) by Friday (10/23) and then tried to zerox the OC II 10 page exam on Sunday (completed making up the exam Sunday morning). The copy machine wasn't working when I came to the Chemistry office copy machine so I had to take the 50 OC II exams to staples and it cost me around $70 (should be reimbursable). (Note: If I use the textbook exam and randomly choose exam questions, I could have made up an exam in about an hour instead of the couple of days that it took me to make up your exams. I would have also had to say that you were responsible for all textbook content whether I went over it or not.)
So this week for your quizzes, I had a quiz ready to copy Friday morning at around 8 am. So I copied the 200 x 1 page quiz + periodic table Friday morning. Then I finished making up the Organic II class' quiz and zeroxed it (50 x 1 page quiz + periodic table) by Friday at 4:30 pm.
posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 11/7/15 at 12:30 pm (I worked on these notes all morning. There seems to be some sort of bike race outside my window.)
Here are Quiz IVanswer key all forms. Here are Notes10-19 Monday & 10-21 Wednesday(11 am class). (up10/22 to 10/29 Thursday) Exam II will cover up to an including the halohydrin reaction and reaction mechanism covered in the last part of the 10/21 class for both sections (11 am MWF and 5 pm MW classes) Also in answer to some questions, I am posting the following clarification including parts of the answers from the solutions manual to the text.
HWClarification The HW Clarification has to do with (a) whether an intermediate can or cannot be lower in energy than the reactant energy. I defined it as higher. Some McMurry HW problems show intermediates lower in energy than the reactant. Usually intermediates are less stable (higher in energy) than the reactants. Usually if you plotted the energy of a mutistep reaction (not the energy of a mechanism) you would get what looks like an intermediate but is really the product of the first reaction and the reactant of the second reaction. To figure out whether the intermediate appearing substance is really an intermediate and not he product of the first reaction, you could look at the structure of the intermediate appearing thing. If it is something like a carbocation or carbene or carbanion, then it is an intermediate and not the product of the first step of a multistep synthesis. While technically not exactly wrong, I think McMurry is making the "is it an intermediate" or "is it the product of the first step of a multistep reaction" unnecessarily difficult for the sophomore organic chemistry student. So upshot: just ignore the HW that shows an intermediate with a lower energy than the reactant and go by my definition - intermediate is higher energy than reactant or product. (b) the second part of the HW clarification are some examples of Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority fine points. I would not obsess about the fine points and just concentrate on the normal obvious priority problems.
Good luck studyiing for Exam II (on 10/26 Monday).
posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 10/22/15 Thursday at 9:30 am
Here are Notes10-16-15Friday(11am class) (up from 10/16F to 10/30F). Please note that the 11 am class quiz ends at the end of the 10/16 class. The 5 pm class' quiz ends at the end of the 10/14/15 11 am Wednesday class because the 5 pm class missed an extra day because of Fall Break. posted by Dr. Hahn on 10/16Friday at 11:20 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are Notes10-9-15Friday(11am class) (up from 10/14 to 10/28W). Here are Notes10-14-15Wednesday. posted by Dr. Hahn on 10/14/15 at 11 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are Notes10-7-15Wednesday(11 am class). (up from 10/14 to 10/28W). Here are the answer keys to QuizIII. posted by Dr. Hahn on 10/14/15.
Here are Notes10-5-15Monday(11am class). (these notes up from 10/6/15 Tuesday to 10/20/25 Tuesday).
Here are the answer key and blank form for Exam I. You can print them & use them anyway you want. All questions are copywright to me and me alone and are from my own ideas and not from any test bank. You should think of studying them for the Final Exam. Exams will help you study for the Final Exam in the way that quizzes help you study for the exams.
I am working on grading your Quiz III by myself as always.
posted by Dr. Hahn 10/6/15 at 10:40 am from her SIU office Neckers 335 while grading your Quiz III
Here are Notes10-2-15Friday(11 am class). I will remove the link to this 2 weeks from today (10/4/15 Sunday to 10/18/15 Sunday). Remember we have a quiz on Monday. Note Quiz endpoint for 11 am & 5pm class is different posted by Dr. Hahn on 10/4/15 Sunday at 11 am from her Carbondale Apt
Here are Notes9-30-15Wednesday. I will remove the link to these notes 2 weeks from today (10/1/15 to 10/15/15). For the 11 am class, there is an error in the clicker points posted. I forgot to grade 2 of the clicker days when I posted your clicker grades so those of you who got those questions correct, it is graded as if you attended the class but got the questions incorrect.
In any case the point of the clicker posting is to make sure that everyone is getting clicker points. I will post a revised clicker posting after I delete off the first few days when some people did not have clickers probably after Quiz III.
Quiz III will be on Monday 10/5/15. From the posted Wedneday class you can tell when the quiz ends for the 5 pm class. It is possible that the 11 am class may have a differnt end point for the quiz. (keeping in mind that anything after the end point of the quiz can be included as an extra credit problem if I manage to cover it the day of the quiz) posted by Dr. Hahn 10/1/15 at 9:30 am from her SIU office
Here are Notes9-28-15Monday. I will remove the link to these notes 2 week from today (9/29/15 to 10/6/15). I have posted your grades from Exam I (this is before any regrades). I also have posted your clicker percentage grades as well. The clicker grades show all clicker points even from the days before I said that I would start to count your clicker points. I just did this because this clicker grade is really a check to see if your clickers are working or not. Next time I post clicker points, it will reflect just the days when the clicker points were actually counted.
Also note that if you missed anything (quiz, exam), I input a grade of zero on the posted grades. I can't really calculate an "excused" grade for you until the end of the semester because the "excused" calculated grade includes your own average from the entire semester and the class's average from the entire semester and I won't have that until the end of the semester.
The point of the posted grade is to make sure that if there are any errors that you let me know and also so that you know how you are doing in relation to the rest of the class to give some perspective. For example if everyone you know earned an F on the exam, you will find that the average for Exam I was really high at over 80%. Check the posted grades so that if there are any errors, you can let me know. If you forgot your pin number, I can let you know. If you did not submit a pin number and now want me to post your grades together with everyone else's grades, submit a pin number form and I will do that as well.
The possiblity of errors are because I have ~ 250 students this semester and I am giving 6 quizzes, 3 exams, final exam and clicker points. So I am dealing with ~ 250 x 11 = 2,750 individual grades so you could probably imagine how there could potentially be an error.
The exam answer key and grades are posted on the third floor next to the elevator and in front of the bathrooms in front of Neckers 336. I will also post your exam answer key on this website when I have a chance to do so.
posted by Dr. Hahn at 11:40 am 9/29/15 from her SIU office
Here are Notes9-23-15Wednesday and Notes 9-25-15Friday. I will remove the link to these files 2 weeks from today (9/28/15 to 10/5/15). posted by Dr. Hahn at 10 pm 9/28/15 from her Carbondale apartment
For Exam I: study all versions of Quiz I and Quiz II. Make sure you understand it. Make sure that you can do the examples in the lecture. Exam I will be ~ 1/3 multiple choice, ~1/3 short answer (fill in the blank) and ~1/3 long answer (word problems).
Please bring to the exam: (a) picture ID card (any picture ID card) (b) #2 pencil for the scantron part of the exam (c) pen/pencil and calculator (I will not let you use a cell phone as a calculator) (d) don't bring anything expensive You will be asked to leave all your stuff (including purses or anything bigger than a man's wallet size purse) in front of the room while you take your exam. I will check ID, name and exam number. Good luck studying for Exam I. posted by Dr. Hahn at 2:20 pm 9/18/15 from her SIU office Neckers 325
Here are the Notes9/14/15Monday and Notes9/16/15Wednesday. posted by Dr. Hahn on 9/17/15 Thursday at 2:50 pm from her SIU office (notes 9/18/15 for the 11 am class needed for Exam I is already posted in 9/16/15 notes so I will not post those again before Exam I.
Here is the answer key for Quiz II. posted by Dr. Hahn on 9/16/15 at 2 pm from her SIU office
Here are the Document Camera Notes since the beginning of the semester to now when I figured out that my personal laptop was half dead and decided to use the departmental laptop to upload notes.
Notes8/28/15F, Notes 8/31/15M, Notes 9/2/15W, Notes 9/4/15F, Notes 9/9/15W, Notes 9/11/15F [notes from 8/26 to 9/11 will only be up until after Exam I (around 9/21/15)] posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment 9/13/15 at 11:33 pm
Monday quiz will cover material from after the last quiz (after skeletal structures) to where the evening class got to last class period which is to the end of constitutional isomers. Material covered the day of the quiz (Monday 9/14) will be included as extra credit questions. A student emailed that they were not able to open the 8/26 notes. Please email me if other people have the same problem. I modified the way the notes are posted on my website slightly. Hopefully that works. posted by Dr. Hahn on 9/12/15 at 6:15 pm from her apartment
Here is the lecture notes for DocCameraNotes 8/26/15 Wednesday. I am not sure I did this successfully but I believe that you should only be able to view the notes but should not be able to print, save or make changes. I am only going to post the notes for the 11 am class unless the 6 pm class runs much faster before an exam. I am working on getting the other notes up.
When I asked you guys to let me know if you had a clicker number but not linked to your name, I got a flood of emails. I guess 10% of 250 people is 25 emails. I will get to those ASAP but obviously not sooner than possible because I am getting the lecture notes scanned in and also making up a 3 versions of quizzes for this class and then another 2 versions of the quiz for the Organic II people. posted by Dr. Hahn at 11:30 pm 9/11/15 from her apartment
Here is a word document of Quiz I. Let me know if you can see it OK. I usually use acrobat but because my personal laptop is half dead, this is the best I could do for now. posted by Dr. Hahn 9/11/15 at 7:45 am from her apartment
Here is the Organic Chemistry I Lecture Syllabus Fall 2015. Note that all of the quiz and exam dates are listed on page 6.
Organic Chemistry II Information: Fall 2015 Dr. Hahn for MWF 12 to 12:50 pm Neckers 218
Here is the Final-Exam-KeyFall15. posted by Dr. Hahn on 12/28/15 at 11:15 pm from her parent's Columbia, SC home
Here is the WorkSheet-Fall-15 (handed out on 12/9/15 to help you study for the material between Exam III and the Final Exam)
Here are Notes12-9-15Wedneday (only available until 12/15/15 Tuesday) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 12/10/15 at 10:50 am
Here are Notes12-7-15Monday. (only available until 12/15/15 Tuesday). posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 12/8/15 at 10:50 am
Here is the answer key to Exam III all forms. Here are Notes12/4/15Friday. These will only be available until 12/15/15 Tuesday (the day after Final Exam day).
To study for the Final Exam: The Final will be 1/3 multiple choice, 1/3 short answers and 1/3 long answers. The multiple choice will be identical to the multiple choice of Exam I, Exam II and Exam III for your own section. I will get rid of 2/3 of the questions from each exam and then scramble the questions. Short answers and long answers will not be identical to the questions from old exams. Short Answers and Long Answers will be similar to Exams in the way that quizzes were similar to the exams.
You should also think how can she make it so that it would be easy to grade ? I will be grading the Final by myself and you will take the final on 12/14/15 Monday and then I have to submit the final grades by noon on 12/21/15 Monday. I also will then have to do the grading for my other class (with 200 students in it). Usually when I grade your exams, I am also making up lecture notes, making up the next quiz, coming up with clicker points to post, positing grades, etc. I will just work on grading the final exam. I will choose questions which are easy to grade. I will have to have all other things like excused absences, all of the grading (clicker grading, deleting lowest quizzes, etc) all complete before I give the final exam. I am also planning on going sleepless.
So if you turn anything in late (such as excues for missing things), I will just have to not count that. Also this explains why it is impossible for me to give you a makeup exam before final grades are due. If you do not take the final with the rest of the class, I will either give you a zero or an incomplete for missing the exam.
posted by Dr. Hahn on 12/5/15 at noon from her Carbondale Apartment
more Info for Exam III: Exam III (12/2/15 Wednesday) starts in Chapter 17 at the dehydration of alcohol reactions (lecture of 10/23/15 Friday) (meaning including the oxidation of alkene reactions on Exam III). Exam III ends with the end of Chapter 21 (half of the 11/23/15 Monday lecture). When I say that I literally cut and past from Quiz V and Quiz VI, it means that you should understand the questions and be able to do similar questions. It does not mean that you should memorize the answers because if I give you the same question but a different molecule or different reaction to answer the same question, just writing down the answer from the quiz is the wrong answer. My other suggestion is to show up on the Monday before the Wednesday Exam III because I will return your graded Quiz VI and we will use that day for you to ask any questions that you have about anything on Exam III. If you run out of questions, we will then go on with the Chapter 22 material which we started in the 11/23 class.
To get an approximate grade assuming that you continue to get the same average on your Exam III, and the Final Exam as you already have as your average between Exam I and Exam II. exam, quiz average is in percentage of 100, and the clicker should also be as a percentage of 100. You could use the already posted Exam average and the posted Quiz average and the posted clicker grade.
[(exam average)*(500/650)] + [(quiz average)*(100/650)] + [(clicker)*(50/650)] = ____ % grade
Note that you do get to drop 2 of the quiz grades and if you do better on the Final Exam, your final exam grade will replace your lowest exam grade. 90% and above is an A, 80% and above is a B, but the C cutoff fizzeles out. All your grades which you earned so far are posted in the bulletin board on the 3rd floor of Neckers in between the elevator and the staircase and in front of the bathrooms. You should look at the posted grades and make sure that there are no errors because the posted grades are directly out of my excel spread sheet which I will use to assign your final grade. Probably on the Monday after Thanksgiving, I will post an "x" in front of the 2 quiz grades to be dropped and will post those.
Have a good Thanksgiving (I'll be making up your exams on Thanksgiving.) and then study for your Exam III. I want you all to do really well on Exam III. Happy Organic studying!
posted by Dr. Hahn on 11/25/15 at 4:40 pm from her Carbondale apartment
Here are Notes11-23-15Monday This Note will only be accessible until 12/2/15 one week from today. Here are the answer keys for Quiz VI. For Exam III (to be given on 12/2/15) please study Quiz V and Quiz VI, examples in the lecture notes, lecture material, etc. Exam III will be in the same format as the other exams (~1/3 multiple choice, ~1/3 short answer and ~1/3 long answers). posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 9:25 am 11/24/15
Here are Notes11-20-15Friday. This Note will only be accessible until 11/27/15 one week from today. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 2:50 pm 11/20/15.
Here are Notes11-18-15Wednesday. (This Note will only be accessible until 11/25/15 one week from today.) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 4 pm 11/18/15
Here are Notes11-16-15Monday. (This Note will only be accessible until 11/24/15 one week from today.) posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office at 4:20 pm 11/17/15.
Here are the answer keys to Exam II and Quiz V. posted by Dr. Hahn at 4:25 pm on 11/16/15 from her SIU office
Here are the Notes: Notes11-9-15Monday, Notes11-13-15Friday. These Notes will only be accessible until 11/21/15. posted by Dr. Hahn on 11/21/15 Friday
Here are Notes: Notes10-23-15Friday, Notes10-28-15Wed, Notes10-30-15Friday, Notes11-2Monday, Notes11-4Wednesday, Notes11-6Friday. These Notes will only be accessible until 11/14/15. I have been working on putting these notes in a format that works with the D2L website (& I am still working on it) but because a few students asked that I make the notes available prior to the Monday quiz on my website if not on the D2L website, here they are on my website. It will be on the D2L website as soon as I figure out a few things.
Good luck studying for Quiz V. Note that Quiz V will not include synthesis problem because of the time limitation of the quiz (don't want to have you do one synthesis problem for 15 minutes of the quiz, you miss the one problem and get a zero on the quiz) Two weekends ago I zeroxed the 10 page exam for the OC I class (200 exams) by Friday (10/23) and then tried to zerox the OC II 10 page exam on Sunday (completed making up the exam Sunday morning). The copy machine wasn't working when I came to the Chemistry office copy machine so I had to take the 50 OC II exams to staples and it cost me around $70 (should be reimbursable). (Note: If I use the textbook exam and randomly choose exam questions, I could have made up an exam in about an hour instead of the couple of days that it took me to make up your exams. I would have also had to say that you were responsible for all textbook content whether I went over it or not.)
So this week for your quizzes, I had a quiz ready to copy Friday morning at around 8 am. So I copied the 200 x 1 page quiz + periodic table Friday morning. Then I finished making up the Organic II class' quiz and zeroxed it (50 x 1 page quiz + periodic table) by Friday at 4:30 pm.
posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 11/7/15 at 12:30 pm (I worked on these notes all morning. There seems to be some sort of bike race outside my window.)
Here are Notes10-30Friday (testing) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 11/1/15 at 5:30 pm
Here are QuizIV and Notes 10/19Monday&10/21Wedensday. (up 10/22 to 10/29 Thursday) Good luck studying for Exam II. posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office on 10/22/15 Thursday at 9:30 am
Here are Notes10-16-15Friday (up from 10/16 to 10/30Friday) posted by Dr. Hahn from her Carbondale apartment on 10/16/15 at 11:26 pm
Here are Notes10-9-15Friday(up from 10/14 to 10/28W). Here are Notes10-14-15Wednesday (up from 10/14 to 10/28W) posted by Dr. Hahn on 10/14/15 Wednesday from her Carbondale apartment
Here are Notes10-7-15Wednesday (up from 10/14 to 10/28W). Here are the answer keys to QuizIII. posted by Dr. Hahn 10/14/15 Wednesday from her SIU office around 2 pm
Here are Notes10-5-15Monday. (will be up from 10/6/15 Tuesday unto 10/20/15 Tuesday).
Here are you Exam I answer key and blank form. You should study for the Final Exam by studying the Exams in the same way as you study for the Exams by studying the Quizzes.
I am working on grading your Quiz III by myself as always.
posted by Dr. Hahn from her SIU office - Neckers 335 on 10/6/15 at 10:50 am while grading your Quiz III
Here are Notes10-2-15Friday. I will remove these 2 week from today (10/4 Sunday to 10/18 Sunday). posted by Dr. Hahn 10/4/15 at 11 am from her Carbondale Apt.
Here are Notes9-30-15Wedneday. I will remove these notes 2 week from today (10/1/15 to 10/15/15). Remember we have a quiz Monday. posted by Dr. Hahn on 10/1/15 at 9:30 am from her SIU office
Here are the Notes9-28-15Monday. I will remove the link to these notes 2 weeks from today (9/29/15 to 10/6/15). I have posted your grades from Exam I (this is before any regrades). I also have posted your clicker percentage grades as well. The clicker grades show all clicker points even from the days before I said that I would start to count your clicker points. I just did this because this clicker grade is really a check to see if your clickers are working or not. Next time I post clicker points, it will reflect just the days when the clicker points were actually counted.
Also note that if you missed anything (quiz, exam), I input a grade of zero on the posted grades. I can't really calculate an "excused" grade for you until the end of the semester because the "excused" calculated grade includes your own average from the entire semester and the class's average from the entire semester and I won't have that until the end of the semester.
The point of the posted grade is to make sure that if there are any errors that you let me know and also so that you know how you are doing in relation to the rest of the class to give some perspective. For example if everyone you know earned an F on the exam, you will find that the average for Exam I was really high at over 80%. Check the posted grades so that if there are any errors, you can let me know. If you forgot your pin number, I can let you know. If you did not submit a pin number and now want me to post your grades together with everyone else's grades, submit a pin number form and I will do that as well.
The possiblity of errors are because I have ~ 250 students this semester and I am giving 6 quizzes, 3 exams, final exam and clicker points. So I am dealing with ~ 250 x 11 = 2,750 individual grades so you could probably imagine how there could potentially be an error.
The exam answer key and grades are posted on the third floor next to the elevator and in front of the bathrooms in front of Neckers 336. I will also post your exam answer key on this website when I have a chance to do so.
posted by Dr. Hahn at 11:40 am 9/29/15 from her SIU office
Here are Notes9-23-15Wednesday & Notes9-25-15Friday. These notes will be up for 2 weeks (from today 9/28Monday to 10/5/15Monday). posted by Dr. Hahn 9/28/15 at 10 pm from her Carbondale apartment
For Exam I: study all versions of Quiz I and Quiz II. Make sure you understand it. Make sure that you can do the examples in the lecture. Exam I will be ~ 1/3 multiple choice, ~1/3 short answer (fill in the blank) and ~1/3 long answer (word problems).
Please bring to the exam: (a) picture ID card (any picture ID card) (b) #2 pencil for the scantron part of the exam (c) pen/pencil and calculator (I will not let you use a cell phone as a calculator) (d) don't bring anything expensive You will be asked to leave all your stuff (including purses or anything bigger than a man's wallet size purse) in front of the room while you take your exam. I will check ID, name and exam number. Good luck studying for Exam I. posted by Dr. Hahn at 2:20 pm 9/18/15 from her SIU office Neckers 325
Here are the Notes9/18/15. posted by Dr. Hahn on 9/18/15 at 2:10 pm from her SIU office
Here are the Notes9/14&9/16. I reposted the last part of the 9/11 notes in the 9/11 link below. posted by Dr. Hahn on 9/17/15 Thursday at 3 pm from her SIU office
Here is the answer key for Quiz II. posted by Dr. Hahn on 9/16/15 at 2 pm from her SIU office
Here are all the notes since the beginning of the semester:
Notes 8/26/15W, Notes 8/28/15F, Notes 8/31/15M, , Notes 9/2/15W, Notes 9/4/15F, Notes 9/9/15W, Notes 9/11/15F These notes will only be up until after you take Exam I (9/21/15 Monday) posted by Dr. Hahn 9/13/15 at 11:30 pm from her Carbondale apartment. (notes 9/11 are incomplete, I had technical difficulties with my scanner. I will fix that probably tomorrow afternoon.)
Here is the word document of Quiz I. Let me know if you can see it OK. posted by Dr. Hahn 9/11/15 at 7:45 am from her apartment
Here is the Organic Chemistry II Lecture Syllabus Fall 2015. Note that all of the quiz and exam dates are listed on page 6.